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About us

Our story might seem a little different.


That's because it is a little different.

No, the stories of gender inequity and misogyny in the sciences are not new.

Neither is the news that women are fully capable of doing badass, non-stereotypical things like chasing tornadoes - and that they do those things all the time.

But...why don't we see women chasing in media in the same proportion as men?
And...why aren't MORE women chasing? Or, doing the equally badass,

non-stereotypical things they long to do?

Why do statistics, even today, continue to show a gender imbalance in weather and science careers and expertise? Today, as we stand on the shoulders of giants who have fought for women's equality in every area, shouldn't a STEM career be a given for any girl or woman or desires it - as much as their ability to chase down a storm?


It's time.

It's absolutely time for women to be recognized for the badass chasers, forecasters, meteorologists, content producers and educators we are. It's also time for us to receive equal air time, sales opportunities, engagement, and respect for our talent in the fields of storm chasing, weather and meteorology.

Most importantly, however: It's time girls and women felt empowered

to do that thing they most long to do, no matter how daunting,

non-stereotypical, stormy, or mathematical it might seem.


Sometimes we have no idea what we're capable of.

And when we figure it out, our lives are forever altered.

We're here to tell you: Whatever your thing is, if you love it, you can and you will figure it out.

That's how Girls Who Chase was born.

OUR FOUNDATION is storm chasing, but the sky's the limit. In a way, this feels so much bigger than us, the storm chase community, or the weather community. 


OUR VISION is a world where girls and women know they can do anything and be anything they want, and feel supported and welcomed in any field they choose; most especially in storm chasing, meteorology, and other fields of Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM).

OUR MISSION is to inspire, empower and equip girls & women globally to pursue storms, the sciences and their passions – through the use of media, the creation of accessible education products & services, and by fostering supportive, welcoming community.



  1. Awareness: Calling out the issues; engaging the storm chasing and weather communities in important and sometimes difficult conversations about the scenario we face; and sharing these conversations for others to hear in GWC media such as the podcast and on YouTube.

  2. Amplification: Using the power of social media to amplify our collective voices and content; creating our own audio and video media to fill the vacuum; and engaging broadcast and print media in helping share our story.

  3. Accessibility: We've found a major barrier to entry for women into storm chasing is knowing how to get started, so we're breaking it down by providing accessible trainings and aggregating free educational resources.

  4. Community: This is about the entire storm chasing community deciding it's time for change, and taking action together; that's why our media includes the voices and perspectives of everyone, including men. Changing culture and perception just won't happen without collective support, understanding and effort.

Will you join us?

The women behind GWC

We keep this thing afloat, but Girls Who Chase is so much more than us.
It is truly the many talented female and female-identified storm chasers who provide the unbelievable content we all enjoy, and we encourage you to check out their work on our Instagram and Twitter feeds.

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Jennifer Walton

Founder & Lead

Jennifer spent a lifetime fascinated by severe weather, and finally made her passion a reality in 2018, when she decided to stop wasting time and get chasing. She is a self-taught forecaster and chaser, and is committed to bringing her learnings to empower and inspire others to pursue their own joys of the sky. Her work has since been featured in The Washington Post and on The Kelly Clarkson Show, Good Morning America, The Today Show, and more.

Jennifer holds a B.A. in Environmental Communication and an M.S. in Technical Journalism & Communication, and spent the first 17 years of her career working with scientists, engineers, urban planners and other technical experts to craft communication strategies for effective climate change and science communication. She brought her deep experience as a communications expert - and her understanding of what it was like working in highly technical fields as a woman - to create the GWC concept and find new ways to address systemic gender disparity issues and enact culture change.


Visit her web site at


Chelsea Burnett

K-12 Education

Chelsea has been a storm chaser and photographer since 2011. She joined Texas Storm Chasers shortly after that and became a public speaker and photographer for the group. She has been creating and delivering severe weather presentations tailored to grade school ages to local schools and libraries for five years. She has a B.S. in Business from the University of North Texas.


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Melanie Metz

GWC Partner

Melanie has had a passion for storms since she was a young girl living in Arizona. After completing her B.S. Degree in Chemistry with additional studies in Meteorology & Photography, she began actively chasing as one of the "Twister Sisters." She has now been chasing for over 20 years, and these days chases solo most of the time, selling video to news networks, operating private tours, and capturing the best photos she can.

Melanie's work has been featured on National Geographic Television, The Weather Channel, ABC, CBS, FOX, WE TV "Twister Sisters", Outside Magazine, Cosmopolitan, & Weatherwise. She is also the official photographer for the Movie Cover & Poster of 13 Minutes, released in theaters on October 29th, 2021.


Visit her website at



Tara Whichello

K-12 Education

Tara has been a storm chaser and landscape photographer since 2015. She has been teaching Pre-K through 12th grade art education for 10 years. From 2018 to 2020, she was a High School Meteorology Seminar co-instructor, and served as a tour guide for Silver Lining Storm Chasing Tours in 2022. She has an M.S. in Brain-Based Learning and Teaching from NOVA Southeastern University and a BFA in Pottery from Old Dominion University.


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